Recipe: Fancy Herb Water and Mint Tea
While we pick lots of things from our garden to eat, we also have some plants that we like to drink. Mr. Spice is a big fan of making mint tea whenever the stupid green caterpillars leave us enough tender leaves for a good harvest.
Mint Tea: After boiling a big pot of water on the stovetop, remove the water from heat and drop in the cleaned and stemmed mint leaves and let it all steep for a few hours. Strain out leaves and squeeze the last of the flavored water from the soggy mint and add some sweetness.

we first tasted this drink at Earthbound Farm Organic
We enjoyed this Fancy Herb Water drink at Earthbound Farm Organic in Carmel Valley. Requiring nothing but clippers, water and a widemouthed jar or jug, this is a new favorite of ours. Fill jar with water, plunge the plants in headfirst and let it all steep for a while. The fancy part of this recipe? It looks beautiful in a clear glass jar and tastes delicious with hardly any effort. Also you can always personalize it by adding your own edible plants to the mix. According to the folks from Earthbound Farm, the key component for any iteration is the Lemon Verbena.
Our friends at Growing Grounds in San Luis Obispo helped us out with these lovely and reasonably-priced plants, including a healthy Yerba Buena plant that will contribute to the mix.
A whole lot of
| A fair amount of
| Just a little

“fancy herbs,” clockwise from top: Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Yerba Buena, Lemon Balm