Throughout the Central Coast, sustainable rangeland management practices improve the health of every variable in the meat-eating formula including the land, animals, people, and climate. Many foodies seek out sustainably produced eggs and natural meats not only for the delicious flavor and health benefits but also because consuming humanely produced animal products helps you sleep better at night.
A food revelation: after watching Food Inc., I realized how a measly $3 extra a week can improve both my world and my breakfast. Opting for the cheaper $2/doz. eggs over the $6/doz. option meant that my individual breakfast choices exacerbated problems with factory egg farms. My decision to spend $3 extra a week on eggs promotes the livelihood of a local producer (and one of my neighbors) who’s trying to the do the right thing. Extra bonus: everything we cook with these eggs, from frittatas to baked goods, tastes better.
Northern Central Coast meats +
San Luis Obispo County meats +
Southern Central Coast meats +

Rancho San Julian, Santa Ynez Valley
photo: Rancho San Julian