Foodie Flicks & Short Film with Tasty TED Talks

A still from Paul Lato's <em>One Day in the Life of a Winemaker</em>

A still from Paul Lato’s One Day in the Life of a Winemaker

Our collection of short films about Central Coast foodies—including winemakers, cheese makers, and farmers among others—provides a good cross section of the types of individuals, businesses, and organizations that we want in our Central Coast community. We promote those people and groups who work to fill our lives with flavor, fairness, and fun. Check out these food system documentaries and TED Talks addressing issues important to activist foodies.

Local Foodies on FilmTED Talks
Storm about winemaker Ernst Storm

One Day with Paul Lato

Chaparral Gardens Artisan Vinegars

SLO Grown Produce

Happy Acres Family Farm

World of Pinot Noir 2012
Birke Baehr, What's wrong with our food system

Mark Bittman, What's wrong with what we eat

Cynthia Lair, How to cut an onion

Jamie Oliver, Teach every child about food

Michael Pollen, A plant's eye view

Stephen Ritz, A teacher growing green in the south Bronx

Joel Salatin, How I got here where I am

Barton Seaver, Sustainable seafood? Let's get smart
American MeatEl BulliFarmageddon
Food FightFood Inc.Food Matters
Forks Over KnivesFreshThe Garden
Garlic is as Good as Ten MothersThe GreenhornsThe Harvest [La Cosecha]
How to Cook Your LifeHungry for ChangeIngredients
Jiro Dreams of SushiKing CornQueen of the Sun
The Real Dirt on Farmer BrownThe Vanishing of the BeesThe World According to Monsanto

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