Insalata Caprese

Insalata Caprese
Mozzarella (or Burrata), Tomato & Basil Salad
Remember: hold off on the oils until the last minute before guests arrive or, better yet, wait until everyone’s arrived and do a little food performance art in the (hopefully) well-populated midst of your own party. Applying the olive oil at the last possible moment keeps this simplest, most romantic of salads pleasantly dressed for serving.
- 1 1/2 pounds fresh mozzarella, (buffalo mozzarella, if possible) sliced 1/4-inch thick
- OR 1 1/2 pounds Burrata balls, cut in half
- 6 large ripe tomatoes best-quality, sliced 1/4-inch thick
- 1 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, shredded
- 1/4 cup best quality extra virgin olive oil
- Salt and pepper
Alternate cheese, basil, and tomatoes in a circle on a platter, overlapping and also cover with shredded basil. Shred by first stacking several even-sized basil leaves on top of each other. Roll the basil leaves and slice into 1/8” shreds for distribution over tomatoes and cheese.
Right before eating, drizzle on extra virgin olive oil and snazz with coarse salt and pepper. Makes 10 servings.
This article first appeared on
photo: Deborah Alexander
food styling: Sasha Emerson